As any business owner knows, accidents and mistakes happen. Being well-prepared should be a part of any solid business plan. Proactive planning will help protect your organization from the financial losses that are all-too-common with unplanned and unexpected events. It’s often even possible to turn negative situations into positive ones for your business. And Cumberland Recycling is here to show you how.
If your organization uses transit methods of any kind to get your goods and products where they need to go, you are very familiar with the mishaps that can occur. From equipment failures, such as refrigeration failure, mechanical issues that prevent transport vehicle movement, or accidents while goods are in transit, to labeling errors or production problems – all of these scenarios, and many others, can leave you with products that are spoiling, broken, or useless.
Cumberland Recycling is dedicated to assisting businesses handle unplanned waste. We will leverage our connections to find an environmentally sound way to help manage your operation’s unplanned waste. One of our most important goals here is to look for opportunities to repurpose that waste for another use. This could include recycling many types of items, such as pallets or food waste. Repurposing such items can result in providing your company with a source of additional income instead of burdening you with the expenses that come from the management of unplanned waste and the loss of the product.
An event may occur that will mean your business is faced with an emergency related to waste that must be removed from your premises immediately. Cumberland Recycling is fully equipped and ready to handle most emergency situations, as well.
Your organization may be a manufacturing company, and there is always packaging waste to manage in the manufacturing environment. If you are processing and manufacturing food or beverage items, food waste is always part of the business. Waste in this business sector needs to be diverted properly to manage risk and demonstrate your company’s commitment to sound environmental practices. Especially if it is unplanned. Cumberland Recycling is in the business of handling both, safely and economically, to protect and our environment.
Cumberland Recycling is a management services organization. We provide customized waste and recycling solutions for the manufacturing and processing business community. Our team accomplishes this through our sourcing guidance, revenue capture, optimized transportation and logistics, and equipment and vendor management.